“Damage Control” That is the first priority in the EU’s guidelines. The terms for the negotiations on Brexit were announced in Malta on 30 March by European Council President Donald Tusk. Everyone is damaged.
at the face of it, seems an extraordinary negative reaction to what apparently
the British people have decided.
the joy?
receiving the six page letter from UK Prime Minister Theresa May on 29 March, Mr Tusk said:
“There is no reason to suppose that this is a happy day, neither in Brussels, nor
in London.”
Why no
It is
difficult on the either side of the Channel to find a rational explanation.
What are Britons going to gain by Brexit?
British government or even the British pro-Brexiteers have not yet produced a
list of the enormous assets they have found in their utopian Brexit Land. Others
say it is a Dream Land.
has been exposed before negotiations start is a list of commitments that must
be paid for, a legal jungle for transposing European legislation into British
law, a paucity of real trading alternatives and above all an absence of any
real plan by the Brexiteer ministers for the future.
is the healthy path for the future? It is neither Whitehall’s bumbling
obstinacy of extreme exitism, or Brussels opaque politics of closed doors and
clue is in the phrase of Mrs May:
“The values
we share as fellow Europeans”
What are
they? Do they have their core in trade and merchandising? Are the main European
values centered in enrichment and profits like the long-gone societies of
Carthage and Tyre?
not. Europeans boast first of all about their freedoms. Freedom to trade is
some way down the list after
Freedom of thought,
Freedom of expression,
Freedom of Assembly and other
Freedoms such as owning property.
freedom to own property there can be no freedom to manufacture or trade.
It is
also clear that some of these European values are lacking on both sides of the
look how the British voted. In the 1975 Referendum they voted enthusiastically to
join the European Community. Recently
they voted again tepidly in the 23 June 2016 referendum to leave the system now
changed into a “European Union”. That is not the same as a democratic
sensed their freedoms were being violated. Which freedoms? Freedom to trade? No.
They wanted to be free of two areas of autocracy. Geographic areas.
painful it is to say it, these two culprits are: Whitehall and Brussels.
Governments had behaved disgracefully. The political parties of various hues
had colluded in changing the treaties against public opinion. They promised the
public referendums at each of the many stages. They refused to deliver on all
subsequent occasions.
23 June 2017 referendum was not about the treaty change. It was a referendum
about exasperation.
you not really exasperated enough about the Governments’ lack of good faith?
you let the Government get away with it?””
expressed a growing sense of frustration at their governments, both Labour and
Conservative who changes to Schuman’s
Community system into something radically different. The promised referendums
at each stage never came -- from the early deformations of Maastricht to that
of the totally unacceptable “Constitutional Treaty“ of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing.
Then they were forced to swallow the same unacceptable, rejected treaty under
the name of the Lisbon Treaty.
should not be smug about this. The Brussels “System” is the source of these
frustrations. The British and other seemingly democratic countries were seduced
by the neo-Gaullist system in Brussels. Public decisions are taken in private,
in secret and with the collusion of what de Gaulle hoped but never achieved.
This first additional anti-democratic instrument is the European Commission
turned into a political Secretariat. De Gaulle tried to do this in 1961. The scheme was
called the Fouchet Plan. It was resisted by strong democrats like Joseph Luns of
the Netherlands and Paul-Henri Spaak of Belgium. They exposed the folly of a
sort of Politburo secretariat, supposedly based on international cooperation,
but in reality dominated by France and Germany against the smaller powers. They
insisted that the Commission be impartial, non political and follow supranational
role as an Honest Broker for all European citizens and interests.
The second is
the European Council, what de Gaulle called the Summit. It was at the summit de
Gaulle sat as the only Head of State and autocratically directed everything
from its peak.
Gaulle’s interests where not Europe’s interests. Nor were they even France’s
interests. He was opposed ferociously by European-minded Frenchmen and women.
interests are not European interests. The interests of 28 governments meeting
in secret are not European interests. They are governmental interests. Europe
comprises the interests of citizens and associations of citizens. Associations
are not usually party political. And then there are the interests of individual
job of the Commission and the institutions is to conciliate all these interests,
honestly. That is why the Community has five institutions.
Europe has been blocked. Instead Europe is dominated by de Gaulle’s second
invention, the Summit.
The meetings of
the heads of Government keep secret what has been going on behind closed doors.
They have a flock of spokespeople who spin the decisions to the frustration and
growing distrust of the public. Witness the discordant parties springing up
across Europe. UKIP was just one of these but sprang from the democratically
fertile soil of Britain. Brexiteers populate the main government parties too.
would save much money on the European budget if all these Council spokespeople
were eliminated. How? Simply introduce video cameras into all these institutions.
Illegal or intrusive? No. The treaties require it.
institutions, bodies, offices and agencies shall conduct their work as openly
as possible.” Lisbon TFEU article 15.
way Brussels and Whitehall could trade political dishonesty for honesty. They
would rebuild trust in Democracy among Europe’s saddened citizens.