The original concept of supranational democracy for Europe brought long-lasting peace to the Continent. EU's founder Robert Schuman described democracy as being in the service of the people and acting in agreement with the people. What's going on today? See also and .
14 July, 2016
Brexit13: What Churchill and Schuman said about European Peace and Unity, 14 July 1946
Robert Schuman insisted that Winston Churchill’s first great speech
on Europe was not given in Zurich Switzerland but in Metz on Bastille
Day 1946. Schuman should know. He was at Churchill’s side as he
delivered it to a huge cheering crowd in the capital city of Schuman’s
native Lorraine.
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, gives his world famous
V-sign, as he drives through cheering inhabitants of the town of Metz,
in France, on July 14, 1946, to take part in the Bastille Day
celebrations. With him is Robert Schuman, the French Minister of
Finance. (AP Photo)
Here are some extracts from Churchill’s speech.
“Many memories are stirred in my mind by this visit to Metz and your
joyous welcome. Sixty-three years ago my father took me on my first
visit to France. It was the summer of 1883. … I attended the manoeuvres
of the French Army in 1907. The Entente Cordiale had been established
between Great Britain and France. I was already a youthful Minister of
the Crown. I felt … that the rights and liberties of Europe would be
faithfully guarded.
That was nearly 40 years ago, but from that moment I
have always worked with you not only out old friendship for France but
because of the great causes for which our two countries have suffered so
much and risked all. The road has been long and terrible. I am
astonished to find myself here at the end of it. In all that ordeal of
two generations our two countries have marched and struggled side by
side and I, your guest here today, have never neglected anything that
could preserve and fortify our united action. Therefore I speak to you
not only s a friend but as a lifelong comrade. In all the frightful
experiences we have undergone in our resistance to German aggression and
tyranny our two countries have struggled along together to keep the
flag of freedom flying and at an awful and hideous cost we have
accomplished out duty. Never let us part. …
The injury inflicted by the First Great War upon the the
life-energies of France was profound. Crowned with victory, lighted by
glory, she was drained of blood. Britain, in one of those strange
reactions which have so often baffled our friends and foes alike, sank
into pacifism and the US with all her might and power, sought a vain
refuge in isolation. These were disasters of the first magnitude.
There never was a war more easy to prevent than this last horror
through which we have passed. All that was needed was to enforce the
disarmament clause of the Treaty of Versailles and to make sure that
Germany did not rearm. All that was needed was to assert the principle
that solemn treaties, exacted from a beaten enemy, can only be altered
by mutual agreement. In the League of Nations there was erected a noble
instrument which, even without the aid of the United States, if it had
been given a fair chance, could have maintained the disarmament of
Germany and preserved the peace of Europe. But the Allies drifted
amicably but helplessly like froth upon the ebb and flow of the tide.
Thee is no need to apportion blame. … There are many trials before us.
But our hearts should be full of thankfulness to God that we have been
preserved from the most hideous forms of destruction.
Now I come to the Second World War; not so bloody, as measured by men
killed in open field, but far more frightful and desperate. I was
called upon to play some part in its events and every stage and crisis
is burnt into my mind. … History will tell its tale, for us both, of
tragedy, of triumph and of honour.
It has woven our two peoples together in a manner indissoluble and
invioable. We fought each other for many centuries. And now we must help
each other all we can. …
We cannot afford to be misled or to indulge in short-term policies.
Vision, courage, self-denial, faith and faithful service must
animate us. And when the light does not shine clearly on our path, we
must not lose heart, for I am sure — as sure as I was in 1940 — that we
shall steadfastly and perservingly make our way through.
{During} the Anglo-American liberation of French North-West Africa in
1942 and in the early stages of that operation, General Giraud and I
gave each other rendezvous at Metz. Well here we are. The General — he
is a deputy now — and I have this in common; we shall both find a
chapter in the future editions of memorable escapes. I have escaped as a
prisoner of war and no prison has ever been able to hold him. {Robert
Schuman escaped from Germany at the same time as Giraud. Indeed,
Schuman’s escape plans were delayed as Nazis made a thorough search
across Germany and occupied France for Giraud. When Schuman escaped in
August 1942, the Nazis put the same figure of 100,000 Reichmarks on his
When my comrade, General de Gaulle — that unconquerable French spirit
— received me so splendidly in Paris in November 1944, I told him about
this rendezvous in Metz and he said it must take place. I do not
pretend we have never had any disagreement but we were thoroughly agreed
on this. …
There are two issues which are specially appropriate to this occasion.
The first is Europe.
What will be the fate
of Europe? here in this continent of superior climates dwell the parent
breeds of western and modern civilisation. here is the story, descending
from the ancient Roman Empire, of Christendom, of the Renaissance, and
of the French Revolution. It is from the hatred and quarrels of Europe
that the catastrophes of the whole world have sprung. Shall we
re-establish again the the glory of Europe and thus consolidate the
foundations of Peace? why should the quarrels of Europe wreck the
gigantic modern world? Twice in our lifetimes we have seen the brave and
generous people of the US spend their treasure and their blood to
procure harmony in Europe and t rescue Europe from itself. Twice has the
British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations plunged into the Continental
struggle to prevent the overlordship of Germany. Twice has our heroic
ally, Russia, poured out its blood in European battles. This time we
must reach finality. Europe must arise from her ruin and spare the world
a third and possibly fatal holocaust.
We victors have set up together the United Nations Organisation to
which we give our loyalty and in which we found our hopes. At the head
of this stands the United States of America in all her power and virtue.
But without he aid of a united Europe the great new world organisation
may easily be rent asunder or evaporate in futility because of
explosions which originate in Europe and may once again bring all
mankind into strife and misery.
Therefore the first word I give you here today is “Europe”. May she
regain her happiness and may her small, as well as her great, nations
dwell together in security and peace. may there be a decent life
achieved and set up for Europeans. May they all be faithful servants and
guardians of the World Organisation on which the hopes of tortured
humanity are centred.
My second word is “France“.
There can be no
revival of Europe with its culture, its charm, its tradition and its
mighty power, without a strong France. Many nations in the past have
wished and tried to be strong. But never before has there been such a
clear need for one country to be strong as there is now for France. When
I think of the young Frenchmen growing into manhood in this shattered
and bewildered world, I cannot recall any generation in any country
before whose eyes duty is more plainly written or in more gleaming
characters. Two hundred years ago in England the Elder and the greater
Pitt addressed this invocation to his fellow-countrymen, torn, divided
and confused by faction as they then were.
” Be one people.”
That was
his famous invocation. And in our island, for all its fogs and muddles,
we are one people today, and dangers if they threaten will only bind us
more firmly together. Using my privilege as your old and faithful
friend, I do not hesitate to urge upon all Frenchmen, worn and worried
thous they may be, to unite in the task of leading Europe back in peace
and freedom to broader and better days. By saving yourselves you will save Europe and by saving Europe you will save yourselves..."
What did Schuman say to Churchill? As the son of a French patriot he
devoted his life to reconciliation and building a Coal and Steel
Community, by studying in German universities and maintaining a wide
network of friendships throughout two world wars. Some ideas of what
Schuman enunciated a few years later about supranational solutions ‘to make war not only unthinkable but materially impossible‘ are reflected in Churchill’s speech.
His ideas of how to construct European democracy
were well developed and refined through discussion and experience. Here
is an extract of what he wrote in his book, Pour l’Europe:
We should first understand what we mean by the term ‘Democracy‘. What characterises a democratic state are the objectives that it sets and the means it deploys to attain them. democracy is at the service of people and works in agreement with it. I can find no definition simpler and less technical. It fits in with that of President Abraham Lincoln: ‘government of the people, by the people and for the people‘.
You can notice that it does not concern itself with the form of
government. Modern democracy in the sense that I have just expressed it
can be just as well a constitutional monarchy as a republic.
Often the term democracy is applied to republican states and not monarchies.
I maintain that this is wrong: some monarchies such as Great Britain,
Belgium and Holland, if we only refer to our nearest neighbours, are
more clearly and traditionally attached to democratic principles than
some republics where the people have only little direct influence on the
direction and political decisions of the country. This statement makes
it unnecessary for me to discuss the choice a democracy can make among
various forms of government. All we need to do is to exclude what is antidemocratic..."
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