27, November, 2017

The Brussels leaders say this year is Europe’s 60th Birthday. That’s clearly untrue. In 2012 the Nobel Prize was awarded to the European Community/ EU for more than SIXTY years contribution to peace in Europe! Count it! Do some elementary arithmetic!
With the headline J’ACCUSE, Emile Zola wrote an open letter to President Faure of the French Republic covering the front page of the newspaper L’Aurore, 13 January 1898. It caused a sensation. It was meant to.
In this article Zola denounced the lies and establishment cover-up of the French government in the Dreyfus affair. The French army officer, who happened to be a Jew, was falsely accused to being the source of espionage for Germany and Austria-Hungary. The writing in the dossier sheet was used as evidence that the Germans had received French secrets. It had been fished out of a waste bin in the German embassy by a French cleaning lady. The handwriting was nothing like that of Dreyfus. That did not deter the experts. They asserted that “the lack of resemblance between Dreyfus’ writing and that of the bordereau (dossier cover list) was proof of a ‘self-forgery'”!
It was obviously a Fake but the Fake experts said it was so good a Fake, it must mean that Dreyfus was guilty! In truth it was the experts who were fake and the Establishment who were traitors! Note how Fakers use Fake logic! The entire world whose writing did not resemble the bordereau writing would be guilty by that reasoning! Only one person wrote that bordereau.
The bordereau writing actually matched a major who was working in the French General Military Staff. The guilty man had the suspicious Austro-Hungarian name of Esterhazy. But that made no difference for the anti-Semitic establishment who wanted to put on an anti-Jewish show trial.
Zola exposed the unpalatable truth. He named names in the high-level cover-up by the military staff and French Government. Result? He was accused of libel and had to flee to England!
But he was proved right. Two men were innocent, Zola and especially Dreyfus. They suffered most. Today there is no doubt about who is guilty. The truth always comes out.
The victim was all of Europe. The entire French military had to be cleaned up. It had dire consequences. France was left in a weakened state when it faced the Germans in World War One.

During the whole of 2017, European leaders have connived in propaganda fraud. They have spent millions of tax-payers money to hide Europe’s real democratic history.

Today the European Union Politburo is interested in wiping out one face in particular, Robert Schuman. This is done not because that face is guilty of anything. Quite the reverse.
He is responsible for the miraculous rise of Europe as a super-power in the world today. The keys to war and peace in Europe — and elsewhere — are the greatest heritage of modern times. Why are the Brussels Politburo throwing those keys away? Personal aggrandizement? Ignorance? Petty jealousy? or what Schuman called the routines of power, the inability of politicians and bureaucracies to think in other terms than Europeans had for more than a thousand years?
The Brussels Politburo are especially keen to wipe out the signing of the Treaty of Paris on 18 April 1951 and the Great Charter of Rights of European Citizens (DECLARATION COMMUNE) that was also signed that day. That showed how West European States can demonstrate they are real democracies and expose the false democracies as they existed in East Germany and elsewhere behind the Iron Curtain.
The guilty neo-Gaullist Brussels Poltiburo wanted none of this. While the public expected the founding Paris treaty to be renewed in 2002, the Council Politburo failed to do so -- without any public debate, never mind any referendums.

Today the guilty are more attached to money and markets than democracy and openness. They want to say that Europe’s miraculous rise came from its common market. They want people to believe their future depends on globalization. False! The guilty try to cover-up their foul deeds and those of earlier betrayers of the past. Who are the guilty today?

Why do they date EU history from Rome in 1957 and the signing of the treaties of Rome? Why chose an event where Robert Schuman, the Father of Europe, was absent? Could it be that that was the year the anti-democratic Charles de Gaulle seized power in France?
That certainly is true. Today’s leaders in France and Germany want to celebrate the Franco-German axis as if it was the start of Europe. That is utterly false history. De Gaulle wanted to rule and dominate Germany and all the other countries such as Italy and the Benelux.
Let’s see if there is any resemblance of EU60 to the truth.
- Schuman’s Proposal saved Europe from catastrophic wars. The EEC Customs Union didn’t.
- Schuman said that the Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) made ‘war not only unthinkable but materially impossible.’ The EEC was about trade and customs.
- The first Community healed relations with post-Nazi Germany. Rome didn’t.
- Schuman created the bases for solidarity, democracy, justice and a means to define Europe’s destiny and service to the world.
- Schuman provided the means for Freedom-loving Democrats to deal with the inevitable forces of globalization.
- The first Community defined the FIVE democratic institutions. Rome didn’t.
- The first Community introduced supranational Democracy. Rome didn’t.
- The ECSC created Europe’s first Single Markets in 1953. Rome didn’t.
We could add a few other achievements like being co-author of the 1949 NATO treaty and initiating the Council of Europe, 1949 with its Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950.
Writing Fake History is like trying to make Dreyfus’s handwriting look like Esterhazy’s. Let’s add some other facts.

- De Gaulle attacked Schuman. He tried to destroy the Community system.
- De Gaulle invented the Franco-German axis as the motor of Europe because he could then control Germany.
- De Gaulle turned the EEC into a milch cow so that up to 70 percent of taxpayers money was spent on the CAP and farmers, usually French peasants.
- De Gaulle would not attend Schuman’s funeral and stopped Adenauer, who had already agreed, from attending.
- De Gaulle had nothing to do with European Reconciliation. Adenauer wrote that Schuman achieved this in 1950. De Gaulle wanted to expand French borders to the Rhine!
- De Gaulle was an autocrat. He hated political parties.
- De Gaulle refused to have elections to the
European Parliament and persuaded Adenauer to stop these elections too.
Because of de Gaulle, Europeans have never had a proper election to the
European Parliament.
Why is Brussels celebrating 1957? De Gaulle took power in 1957! Politicians admire his style, exploiting the Common Market budget for his own purposes. De Gaulle pillaged European taxes for his own distorted version of the Common Agricultural Policy. It took European money to bribe French voters to keep him in power. Cunning! They would like to do the same. He made sure the Council had doors closed to the public so criticism was muted. Weaker Europeans could be exploited for Gaullist strong-arm policy. Democratic opposition was gagged. That’s why politicians still keep the doors closed today. It’s contrary to the Lisbon treaties that they like. Article 15 TFEU says the Council shall meet in public! Why is the press so passive? Decades to pro-Gaullist dog-training!
Many other politicians today like the idea of doing what they like behind closed doors with the people’s money. Maybe that’s why in 2013 the Council celebrated de Gaulle as if he was a hero of Europe, not its arrogant opponent.
Why don’t honest politicians object to this abuse? It takes both guts, honesty and education. One prime minister told a Davos meeting that the treaty that brought peace in Europe was the Treaty of Rome! Frankly this prime minister, who claimed to be a historian, was either (a) ignorant (b) deceived by EU propaganda or (c) a deceiver.
He wasn’t alone on the stage that day. The Commission first vice president agreed. He comes into the same category. He said: ‘No more paternalism. That was Schuman etc. Very paternalistic people.’
In fact it was de Gaulle who was paternalistic and autocratic. He bossed everyone around, including the Dutch. Schuman created the first stage of Europe’s democratic system, the opposite of paternalistic. Was Mr Timmermans making a slip of the tongue? That’s why I later asked him, in the presence of Europe’s religious leaders:

Commission Vice-President Timmermans replied: “May I remind you that the EU started with defence and not internal market or currency. It started with an attempt at defence which was defeated in the French Parliament.”
The facts? In August 1954, after other Member States had ratified it, the French National Assembly voted to suspend the vote on the European Defence Community, CED. What about the Schuman Declaration of 1950 or the Treaty of Paris of April 1951 — which legally defined what the Commission was supposed to do?
Not sure whether this was another slip of the tongue, the next week I posed the same question to the Commission Spokesman. I asked whether the Commission, as supposed guardian of the original treaties, now refused to recognize that the European democratic project had begun with the Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950 and Europe’s first treaty, the Treaty of Paris signed on 18 April 1951.
The Commission spokesman refused to make any correction to this monumental error about the origin of the EU, the European Community, democracy and the Commission itself.
Lies upon lies and fraud upon fraud! How did this self-deception happen?
From the first, the Community Method and true European step-by-step, consensual democracy was attacked by politicians who wanted to create a pseudo-federal system. Others like the Gaullists just wanted to dominate the other States.
The Community is a system that has potential for the common and open search for truth and common interest for the present and the future.
- Instead of open democracy of the treaties, politicians preferred the Gaullist distortion of secretive power in the Council and Commission.
- Instead of the Community sectoral system (coal, steel, atomic energy, customs) that each required full democratic consent, politicians wanted to control all sectors of the European economy.
- Instead of an impartial, Jury-like Commission that excluded politicians brandishing party cards, the politicians wanted to exclude non-partisan, impartial citizens such as experienced diplomats, engineers, scientists, academics, trade unionists, inventors from becoming members of the Commission.
That is why two institutions should be politician-free by definition: the European Court of Justice and the European Commission, Europe’s Jury. The third, the Consultative Committees, is instructed to act as impartial representatives of European civil society. That is it should involve professional associations of all sorts, with democratic mandates. The consultative committees, such as the as-yet, non-elected Committee of Regions and the tripartite Economic and Social Committee, (workers, consumers and entrepreneurs’ associations) act as honest witnesses to the state of Europe and the requirements of Europe’s future.
How did politicians and governments set Europe on its downward path? Arrogance. All human beings have a tendency to corrupt. Putting known corrupters in charge of anti-corruption is likely to corrupt the system more rapidly.
Their path to infamy? Maastricht, Amsterdam, Nice and the failed Constitutional treaties illustrate their process of political and psychological disorder. Is it a coincidence that the initials spell out MANiC?
Europe’s most severe problem of legitimacy arose with the Lisbon Treaty. It extended both their unlawful and unauthorized grasp for power. It reiterated their denial of Referendum NOs. “And Lisbon” turns their acronym to MANIACAL.

This was a big disappointment for the prime ministers (plus the French President!). They wanted to have enhanced limelight. The European Council, known earlier as the European Summit of Heads of State and Government, was invented by de Gaulle in 1961. Its goal, to seduce European leaders with fancy food and allow de Gaulle to be Master of Europe! Today European leaders want to act like little Napoleons with helicopters and snazzy limousines to take them to discussions on global warming!
No sweat for thieves of democracy! They mobilized their plush phantom democracy, the Council of Ministers. That and the European Council (which was not then any form of European legislative institution, nor a real Intergovernmental Committee recognized by treaty) foisted Fake Democracy on the European people by FRAUD and FORCE.
Europe’s Founding Fathers had good, democratic reasons not to create a European Council. It would try to centralize power in secret. When the Constitutional Treaty was rejected, top politicians worried that they may have lost this further lever of central power. The European Council, under the Nice Treaty, could not then even publish a press release. It had no executive power. Its sole responsibility was to meet twice a year and (as the Summit conference for heads of State and government) and submit a report after these two meetings to the European Parliament and a yearly report on progress.
The Community system is built on sectoral responsibilities. This is why the sectoral Councils of Ministers are one of the legal instruments for the European peoples’ legislation. Legislation Proposals by an impartial European Commission are to be transmitted to three institutions only: Council of Ministers (Industry, Fisheries, Agriculture, Science etc), the Parliament and the Consultative Committees. These institutions have to send their amendments if they find faults. Then the Commission decides on the most impartial formulation which it publishes in the Official Journal as Law. That’s how Europe should work. Simply, openly and democratically.
The European Council or the Summit is not involved in this. It cannot dictate.
How did the politicians get round this problem in 2007? They got the Council of Ministers to publish the Press Release or Decree of the European Council. It still had no legal force. Who did they publish it to? Not the public but the national delegations!

The Council press release to the Delegations announced two conspiratorial measures: Money and political Might. The politicians would spend a great deal of European tax-payers’ money on propaganda and press management. Secondly their political might would FORCE the articles of the failed Constitutional Treaty through the parliaments. They would use their national party-controlled majorities against virulent protest and righteous objections of the public. They did not call this a Conspiracy against the people. They called it “Consultations” with fellow politicians!
Thus a small clique of politicians could act totally against the people’s referendum NOs. To oil their way they would need money.

This is what the Council Press Release said about the Constitutional Treaty that lay dead in the water after the French vote of 29 May 2005 and the Dutch vote of 1 June 2005.
Council press release 22 February 2007
“Pursuing reform: the Constitutional Treaty.
As agreed by the European Council at its meeting of June 2006, the Union has followed a two-track approach. It has focused on making best use of the possibilities offered by the existing treaties to deliver concrete results while preparing the ground for continuing the reform process. The presidency (of the Council of Ministers) provided the European Council with an assessment of the consultation with Member States regarding the Constitutional Treaty. The outcome of these consultations will be passed to the German Presidency as part of its preparation for the report to be presented during the first half of 2007. The European Council reaffirms the importance of commemorating the 50th anniversary of the treaties of Rome in order to confirm the importance of the European integration process.”

The chosen path was to avoid any more referendums at all costs. The second decision was to act as if the No referendum results had never happened! Thirdly the rejected treaty would be broken into individual amendments. They would be reassembled and added to articles that could modify the EEC, Treaty of Rome and make it exactly like the Constitutional Treaty.
Huzzah! Hokus Pokus! The Constitutional Treaty lives again in spite of the people!
Thus the politicians made sure their two dozen votes were more important than millions of voters in referendums nixing the Constitutional Treaty. They could make a dead treaty live again, even if the public had stuck a dagger in its heart!
They ordered the civil servants to prepare a book of amendments modifying the Nice treaty (itself a modification of the Amsterdam treaty, itself a modification of the Maastricht treaty, itself a modification of the European Economy Community treaty of Rome.) For the record, not all Member States were ‘allowed’ by politicians to hold referendums on these earlier treaties.
None of these treaties were really legal. The Maastricht treaty had been rejected by the Danes. The Nice treaty was rejected by the Irish. The Constitutional Treaty was rejected by both the French and the Dutch. UK had no referendums on any. Then, when the civil servants had finished their dirty work, the Irish rejected the Lisbon Treaty. Other countries had no chance to have a referendum. Why? The Irish European Commissioner, Charlie MacCreevy, said 95 percent of the European governments would lose a referendum vote on the Lisbon Treaty. The Economist called him “Teller of painful truths.”
The original treaty of Rome , EEC, had a clause which basically said, this treaty does not permit Member States to leave, because all member States agree that the only sure solution for peace and prosperity is to make Europe more democratic. Only a foolish government, if it claimed to be a democracy, would want to leave. That Article 224 of the EEC treaty had become Article 312 of the Nice Treaty.
It was yanked out and replaced by an exit article in the Constitutional Treaty. Referendums in France and the Netherlands rejected this Article 59 and all the Constitutional Treaty. It then became Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. The British had no chance to reject either Article 59 of the Constitutional Treaty or Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. The various UK political parties that in election manifestos promised referendums on European treaties betrayed their promises when in power. They told the public: “No referendum! We know best!”
Why are the British finding it so difficult to leave the EU? Actually it is not too difficult. The European Union was the illegal superstructure added to the European Economic Community. Most of its MANiC changes reduce democracy, or try to. They empower politicians against the people.
The Community system is, however, a different matter. The British in the 1975 referendum agreed to the Community method with an overwhelming majority of 67 percent. It was seen as democratic, and a means to improve the democratic climate of Europe.
- The Community method requires one European election (not 28 national ones) to the European Parliament. That is still in the treaties.
- It requires elections to the Consultative Committees. (That is also still in the treaties.)
- It requires card-carrying politicians to be banned from the European Commission. (That is still in the treaties.)
- It requires the Council of Ministers to be open to the public, just like the parliament, when they ‘consider, discuss and vote’ on any draft legislation. (That is still in the treaties.)
He compared it to chaining European States together, so that they would be obliged by their own self-interest to become more democratic. Following the scandals of the Gaullist era with its wine lake, and beef mountains, its corruption in high places and its election bribery, Brussels has succumbed to some pretty low politics.
But it has not failed to deliver positive benefits to its citizens.
The European Community won’t go away. It won’t fail to continue.

Today the Manifest Crisis of democracy is apparent both sides of the Channel and in east, west, central and southern Europe. The solution is simple. Follow the instructions in the original treaties.
- Have elections as required under a single Statute to the European Parliament.
- Ban active politicians from the Commission.
- Open up the Council of Ministers to the public and the press.
- Make the Judges in the Court of Justice democratically responsible.
- Hold elections of properly constituted European professional associations to the Consultative Committees. Stop lobbyists altogether.
- Replace the secretive COREPER and thousands of closed ‘expert’ committees with elected expert members of these democratic organizations.

The conclusion: the only way forward is to make Brussels more democratic and to follow the democratic rules. That too would help the UK where some 30 or so MPs dictate the hard Brexit policy of what was supposed to be an advisory referendum.
Secondly, truth is the best policy.